Honoring Inspirations: Choreographer’s Showcase of 2022


On November 3rd and 4th, 2022 at 7 p.m. at the Sea King Theater, some special events occurred in which Dance 2 and 3 classes created their own pieces of choreography or created by Mrs. Beckman to produce the Fall Showcase or also known as the Choreographer’s Showcase. The students were excited for their family and friends to watch them and cheer on.


All of these dancers have worked really hard the last two months trying to perfect their choreography and even practicing outside of school. Mrs. Beckman, the person who was behind the scenes of this whole show and dedicates most of her time to creating the perfect lighting and choreography and managing so many dancers all at once said, “It can always be stressful preparing for a live show of any kind because there are a lot of variables and things that could potentially be going wrong but what I have learned after many things of doing it, regardless of what obstacles you might phase, it always ends up working out in the end so despite any stress that might exist I always feel like the show goes on and you know the product is always great.” Mrs. Beckman is the only person preparing a whole show which may be quite chaotic but at the end of the day, she gets the results she wanted. She had to prepare lyrical, jazz, and hip-hop dances for both the Dance 2 and 3 classes.


Many dancers were nervous to go on stage and perform but some individuals like Sofia Workman were very excited. “Being on stage always excites me, I get nervous occasionally, but I think of performing as a way to express myself physically and emotionally.” Dance is an opportunity for dancers to express themselves as Workman has said previously. “I had a lot of fun and did better than I thought. I was able to show my facial expressions more while performing which I struggled with a lot and I was able to engage with the audience” also states Workman.


Dance shows take months to perfect, but surprisingly dancers of this fall showcase didn’t have as much time as there usually is for a spring dance show which takes a few months. This showcase only started getting put together at about the end of September and the ending results were the ways that Mrs. Beckman had intended them to be.