Varsity Volleyball Captain Explains the Teams Preparation to Take On Battle Of The Bay!
As the Volleyball game against Newport Harbor High School approaches, the Varsity team prepares and practices for the game of the season. Crunch time has now begun for the Captain of the Varsity Volleyball team, Reese Olsen(Junior at CdM) as she speaks on the upcoming game that will excite anyone interested in showing up in black at 6:30pm at Newport Harbor High School.
Practicing inside the big gym for the last time before Battle of the Bay Reese talks about the last game that they played which ended in a loss against Dana Hills. Reese’s uplifting attitude kicks in as she says “It was a really good game, and it was really close too.” Although the result of the last game wasn’t great, Reese and her team chose to stay focused on the challenging game that will show just how much time and effort goes into playing Volleyball.
Overcoming the obstacle of not having a season last year has truly been a challenge for the Volleyball girls this year as they lost so much practice and time to truly prepare for tournaments and games. Reese explains how even though they are back in season, “It’s really hard-wearing masks while playing because when [she swings], [her] mask is about to come off.”
Another constraint that lays in the way of their practices are injuries, as girls have been getting hurt left and right due to the fact they haven’t been playing as frequently due to COVID. Reese says that the Volleyball team “[practices] 5-7 days a week for 3 hours or more.” These hours are “a lot on the body, [which means that more and more people get injured] because they are not used to the routine yet.”
Coming back to the topic of the Battle of the Bay Game Reese expresses how “the community comes together [as both sides prepare for the competition.]” Whilst finishing up the interview to go back into practice, Reese says how “excited [she is to play against Harbor] as they have done really good this year.” In all, the Varsity Volleyball team has given CdM a chance to stop and look at where they are at in the season and how far they have come.