ASB Elections


Photos courtesy of Kaydence Osgood, collaged together with InShot, edited on VSCO.

ASB election’s for the 2022/23 school year were the week of April 4th to April 8th. Election candidates kicked off the week by hanging up posters around campus that encouraged students to vote for them (some are pictured above). Campaign videos were also posted on various Instagram accounts and were sent to students on Schoology. Throughout the week students were reminded to vote on Trident TV and promotion slides were on the TVs in the SRC (one is pictured above).


Starting at 7:00 am on Tuesday and closing Thursday at 3:00 pm, students could go onto the Five-Star Students app and vote through the app. All students were able to vote for next year’s ASB cabinet and were only allowed to vote for their grade’s class president.


The results were posted on Instagram on Friday. The results were as follows: TJ Rokos as ASB President, Ella Avital as ASB Vice President, Kyra Gregory as ASB Secretary/Treasurer, Mac Shim as Senior Class President, Shane Fenmore as Junior Class President, Will Oldakowski as Sophomore Class President, and Jillian Kaufman as Freshman Class President.


TJ Rokos’s goals for next year are, “To get rid of the parking tickets for students. We’re going to do some parking reform [next year],” he also wants to do “some election reform.” He stated, “I think people were having trouble voting on the app, people don’t want to download an app, I get it. So we are going to be changing that up and just overall bringing back some school spirit.” Rokos also has a message for the CdM student body, “Just keep working. Have a good spring break, but when we come back we can get out of this COVID slump and go get ‘em!”


Next year Ella Avital wants to “…make everyone feel seen and heard. I want students to feel like they can tell me how they really feel and what they need!” She wants students to know, “I’m here for absolutely anything. Regardless of what you need or want, I want to help you get it!” Avital also has a message for her voters, “Your vote wasn’t for nothing, I will make a difference at this school and I need your help! Let’s make sure this next year is one to remember!”


Kyra Gregory responded “ My goal [for next year] is to…foster a lot of community on campus. I’m really big on inclusion…I want this campus to feel united. I think that a united campus is the most productive campus. So my biggest goal is to promote events and opportunities that foster connections among students.” She wants all students to know, “I’m always a person on campus you can come to if you have any question and if you want to see anything change. That’s what we’re here for. ASB is “For the students, by the students”. So I always welcome anyone on campus to come [to me] with questions or if you just want to talk and get to know me.”


“Let’s get this party started!  My goals for this upcoming senior year is to use CDM events to widen my fellow classmates’ friend groups and to have an overall fun and unified year,” stated Mac Shim. He also added, “One message for upcoming seniors: we got one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything we ever wanted, let’s capture it and not let it slip!” Shim’s message to his voters is “Celebration” by Kool & The Gang.


Shane Fenmore’s goals for next year are to “…make the spirit better in my grade and make people enjoy school again, go back to how it was pre-COVID.” His message for next year’s juniors is to just “Have fun and love school.”


Will Oldakowski hopes to “…get more attendance at events because that was a really big issue this year.” To next year’s sophomores he states, “I just can’t wait for next year! It’s going to be good, and I hope we can get everything back to normal.”


“My goals for next year are to increase involvement and school spirit on campus and to foster a greater sense of community within our class,” responded Jillian Kaufman. She added “My message for next year’s freshman is that I want to allow for your ideas and opinions to be implemented. Feel free to reach out to me with suggestions or if you need anything!” Kaufman also wants to thank her voters and let them know that she looks forward to “…making our freshman year the best it can possibly be!”