HRC’S “Know The Facts Before You Act” week
The Human Relations Council (HRC) has finished its first campaign between the week of November 1st through November 5th! “Know the Facts Before You Act” week was a time for HRC to really help students understand what it means to have the right information and how so much wrong information can hurt the lives of others. Elory Singer, a senior at CdM and the campaign manager for the campaign shared that “HRC’s mission statement for this campaign was to help people understand the need to further research things before they repost about it and to stop the spread of false information online.” Sia Vij a junior at CdM, who also is a member of HRC, participated in the campaign, also talked about the weeks’ purpose by saying that “for this campaign, we really wanted to focus on informing people and wanted to try to do that in a way where [they] could engage the school.”
In an effort to get students involved, HRC had activities placed throughout the week to better their support and to show what the week means to High School students specifically. Tuesday, HRC had the chance to introduce the campaign and show the schedule of events they planned to follow. Also on Tuesday, HRC went to classes and gave stickers out which was followed by short speeches about the week and HRC’s message behind it. Vij explained that on Wednesday they posted “unbiased websites on Instagram to give more accurate information.” On Thursday, a poster signing was held at lunch in the quad that said “I agree to inform myself before speaking or posting” which followed a sweet reward in the form of candy if signed. As Friday was the last day for HRC to spread awareness, they shared statistics and facts in another Trident TV video.
Vij said that “based on the past year, with the world going all online because of the lockdown…the world itself has been moving towards trusting everything online.” She then proceeded to say that “…many adolescents and teenagers are on their phones 24/7 which is where they get their information from.” The CdM community must come together to realize the importance of knowing the facts and knowing all that one can know about a certain topic in order to truly understand.
Many props go to HRC for putting on such an informative week that will help students understand the true meaning of knowing all the facts before speaking.