Valentine’s Day Grams
As with everything the last year, Valentine’s day will be different. With the one year anniversary of everything shutting down approaching, people are used to the routine. People are told to stay away from people and some do, some don’t. If people go somewhere they have to wear masks, social distance, etc.
V-day grams are no exception. Normally grams would be sold at a table during lunch. A student would fill out the gram and ASB would deliver it. This year, to align with the many COVID rules, ASB has changed grams up a bit. A google form was sent out on February 4th that enabled students to fill out a gram without actually having to be at school. The form was just like if a student was to fill out a gram at school. It asked the name of the other student, their second period, and the message the student wanted to send, with one added section asking what chort they were in.
Students in cohort A or B would get their grams when they go to their second period, but what about students not coming to campus. ASB director Michael Dobyns said, “We will be writing them Schoology messages to take the place of the in person grams.” He also talked about the safety measures that were taken to ensure the grams were safely delivered to those in person, “… students wrote out their grams and information on a google form. ASB then wrote them out for them on paper and we delivered them. We were trying to cut back on the number of people that touched the supplies as well as people congregating around the table at break and lunch to fill out the grams…cleaned supplies between uses, used gloves when appropriate, candy is pre-packaged.”