Halloween Rally

Kaydence Osgood, Journalist

ASB has put on their first Halloween Rally. Since campus wasn’t open to students the rally was filmed and shared on Schoology for everyone to have the pleasure of viewing. It stars the Cdm pep squad, Orchesis Dance Company, Jack Kormos, and Ashely Boroff. With guest stars Nicolette Walsh and Brooke Dauderman.

The video starts out with Kormos and Boroff walking around Cdm campus at night. They find some chilling creatures along their walk, the lights begin to flicker, and a werewolf pops through a spider web. The video then cuts to the werewolves (cdm’s pep squad) performing an exciting performance to a mashup of multiple halloween songs. Kormos and Boroff then got stuck in a dark closet and ran into some skeletons. The skeletons (Orchesis Dance Company) break out into a wonderful routine also to a mashup of songs. Finally Kormos was swept away by a blood thirsty vampire. The vampires (Orchesis Dance Company)  carry out a spectacular dance number to another mashup. They leave campus and the Halloween spectacular closes up.

The rally went very smoothly and was executed well. The suspense leading up to each dance aligned well with the theme. The dance performances were very well done. Both the pep squad and Orchesis Dance Company clearly spent a lot of time perfecting their routines and it showed. The routines were incredibly choreographed and each performer was well synchronized. Their costumes were well put together, the werewolves costumes were especially cute and the skeleton outfits were really detailed and realistic. The music was lively and upbeat throughout the video. The video was short and sweet. It was a fun treat to have on Halloween. If you have not gotten a chance to watch it yet be sure to get on and enjoy this spooktacular video.