5 Tips To Help You Achieve Your New Year Goals
With the New Year just around the corner, it is a time to stop and ponder the past year and anticipate the one ahead. Setting feasible goals is a great way to start the New Year on the right foot. Here are five helpful tips for achieving your goals to the best of your ability.
1- Write Them Down:
No matter the task, big or small, writing down your to-dos and objectives helps to organize your thoughts on a piece of paper, rather than just storing them in the back of your memory. Senior Marbella Marlo claims that writing down her goals “forces [her] to take a step back and ask [herself] how [she] will approach a certain issue. It also helps [her] recognize any immediate steps [she] might need to accomplish.”
2- Strive For Progress, Not Perfection:
Trying to be perfect is one of the easiest ways to become discouraged during a challenge or obstacle. No one is perfect, and if you enter the New Year with this mentality, it most likely will save you some discouragement in the long run. If you happen to fall off course on the path to your goals, remember that failure is inevitable and success is still attainable.
3- Hold Yourself Accountable:
One of the most common ways to do this is by teaming up with a close friend or family member to try and achieve a common goal together. In many ways, this can promote extra motivation and a competitive nature to finish what you have started. However, if you don’t have a desire to join a friend, try holding yourself more accountable. Make decisions that will better set you up for success and prevent you from caving in or falling short of your targets.
4- Create A Timeline:
Breaking down your goals is another great way to make them seem more obtainable. On first thought, big obstacles and challenges can seem stressful and anxiety provoking. Creating a timeline can help to set mini goals within your big goals, which in turn can make the obstacle a little less frightening.
5- Treat Yourself:
Most importantly- don’t forget to treat yourself! Rewarding oneself is one of the most valuable parts of the process. You have worked hard and deserve it!