Smartphone Addiction



Alexander Erkisson, Journalist

Smartphones are very addictive. “The average American spends around four hours a day on their smartphone,” according to recent research. The devices are constructed in ways that make people feel happy since their brains release dopamine when performing activities like scrolling through social media.   Smartphones can affect our brains in negative ways, but thankfully there are numerous solutions to this problem.

For those addicted to smartphones, website Psychcentral says to take caution if they have symptoms like getting worried when their phone dies, or when they do not have cell service. As well as, constantly being on their phones until right before they go to bed, and first thing after waking up in the morning. Other issues are sleeping with a phone close to a bedside or using it when depressed. Additionally, some might automatically look on their phone without thinking about it.

For those addicted to their smartphone, here are some solutions to reducing time spent on screens. One way solve the problem is to turn off your app notifications, or download time-tracking apps that also restrict time on specific apps.  Furthermore, people can also make screens less attractive by changing the color settings to black and white. Bethany Baker, executive director of A-GAP, a nonprofit organization that help people make healthier relationships with technology, recommends planning digital free time every day. “Make breakfast a phone-free time, or take 20 minutes in the afternoon where you purposely refrain from checking your social media.”

Our smartphones have become an obsession for society. Many apps are “trying to control your decisions, actions or emotions.” according to USA Today. This is an unhealthy trend which fortunately has some solutions on how to cut down screen time in order to get a healthier relationship with technology.