February 29th, 2024 was not a typical day. Due to Earth’s orbit of 365.242190 days per a full year, there is only a “leap day” every four years. The extra decimals eventually add up to a whole extra day. This concept of having a leap day has been around since 46 B.C (often credited to the Roman Empire), and the next one will be observed in 2028. Many ancient calendars, such as the Buddhist, Chinese, and Hebrew ones even had entire leap months. In celebration of this rare extra day, many companies, such as Applebee’s and Krispy Kreme, offered special discounts and promotions, and many people enjoyed this three hundred and sixty-sixth day in various ways.
At CdM, some students such as junior Annalyse Vasquez “spent leap day just doing [their] typical day to day activities” like going to class and spending time with friends, while other students like junior Angie Walsh “thought this was a special day” and were “very happy with this extra time.” Both perspectives and levels of excitement are valid, and although leap day can be considered “just a typical day,” it is also cause to celebrate.
Understandably having the rarest birth date possible, leap day babies rarely get to celebrate on their actual birthdays. Exemplifying this, Vasquez’s cousin was born on February 29th, 2008; “So he’s actually sixteen years old, but in leap years, he’s technically only 4.” These “leaplings” tend to either celebrate on either February 28th or March 1st.
In all, every day on Earth is a gift, and leap day is no exception; these extra twenty-four hours should be appreciated and put to good use. Leapling or not, every person should celebrate the extra time in their own way.