Something Rotten Tech Week

Angelina Jia, Journalist

Technical week(more commonly known as tech week) is something that all actors have had the pleasure of experiencing. It is a week full of last-minute details, long rehearsals, full show run-throughs, and, if the actors are unlucky, cue to cue. While tech week may be full of many hours of hard work, it is also rewarding for the actors to see their show come together. With costumes, sets, and makeup, the actors finally get to see all the parts up on stage.

This year, Something Rotten has been going fairly smooth and some of the actors have commented on the fact that, unlike most years, they have been doing full show runs since before tech week. Usually, there are last-minute scenes and dances being staged in the last two weeks, however, this time they have been pretty much done for a while now. Senior Mikayla Shaffer, when asked how tech week was going, commented, “It’s going a lot smoother than past tech weeks, especially compared to our last show. It is really exciting to see how much we have already gotten done considering we still have a couple more days before the show opens.” Although she may have been struggling energy wise during their 12-hour rehearsal, she is more than happy to be able to share their hard work this weekend. Another senior in drama, Jackson Jaha-Anderson said, “It’s going great, we are all having a good time. I think the show is going great, we are all having a good time. We’ve all prepared a lot for this.” He is proud of how hard the entire cast has worked to put this show together, especially since it is a lot of seniors’ last musical here at CdM.

Based on the incredible photos and videos that have been released about Something Rotten so far, the show is going to be one to remember. The cast’s high energy and talent will be sure to impress.