The Corona del Mar surf team officially concluded its 2021-2022 season on January 12 with the individual league championships. The team did exceptionally well this year setting a new record for the number of surfers in the finals. Girls short border Tara Ordubadian, a sophomore, took home the first-place trophy for her division, and in girls longboard both junior Ryleigh Snow and freshman Didi Evans came home with trophies. For the boys, seniors Aiden Stein and Justin Knott as well as juniors, Conrad Bancroft and Owen Edwards advanced to finals. With this epic finish, the team has now moved into the offseason. With the water cold and the air at forty degrees Fahrenheit surfers can find it hard to get up in the mornings, but freshman Addie Briggeman says that “watching the sunrise in the mornings allows her something to look forward to no matter the conditions.” With surfers getting in the water at 6:30 AM they really do get to watch the morning go from pitch black, to a sky of fiery oranges, and lastly to the light blue known so well. Sophomore Shea Bland loves spending the morning with teammates, “when the waves are super flat my teammates and I just mess around, trying new tricks and such.” The girls have been seen attempting board transfers as well as some yoga out in the water. The winter off-season usually calls for a change in practice locations and currently the surf team has been practicing at Blackies which is a great place to practice longboarding and to just have fun on boards the surfers normally do not practice on. Surfers have been seen riding anything from air mattress pillows to soft tops colored to look like sushi. The offseason brings in a time for the team to take a quick break and just enjoy surfing with no stress of upcoming competitions. The team is quickly growing in numbers and rank, showing great promise for next year’s season.