The 2021-2022 school year is just around the corner and with that comes many preparations for the next year. One of the preparations is electing next year’s ASB cabinet members. Up for election as ASB president was Natalie Moorhead and Katie Barnes, as ASB vice president was Avery Oldakowski, as ASB secretary/treasurer was Lucas Newton, as senior class president was Charlotte Chung and Tucker Jackson, as junior class president was Aidan Rashtchi and Ella Avital, as sophomore class president was Charlie Olson and Piper Blackband, and as freshman class president was Addie Briggeman, Griffen Habermehl, Helena Litvak, and Will Oldakowski.
Voting was very simple. Students followed the link distributed by ASB and there they found videos of each Candidates speech along with a picture of each person, what they were running for, and a few things about them. At the top of the website was a QR code that led to another website where students put in their student login and voted.
At the end of voting the winners were as follows, Katie Barnes as ASB president, Avery Oldakowski as ASB vice president, Lucas Newton as ASB secretary/treasurer, Charlotte Chung as senior class president, Ella Avital as junior class president, Piper Blackband as sophomore class president, and freshman class president had a tie in the first election. After a re-election the freshman class president for next year is Will Oldakowski.
Next year’s sophomore class president, Piper Blackband, had a message for her voters and a little about what she plans to do next year, “Hey CDM, Thank you so much for voting in the past election! Next year I want to bring fun to our school by hosting some awesome events that get students outdoors, socializing with others.” Will Oldakowsi, freshman class president also had a message about what he wants to do as president and a thank you to his voters, “My plan as freshman class president is to bring our community back together because everyone has been separated and it would be great to have CDM’s community showing spirit. I want to thank everyone for voting this year even though it was tough due to the circumstances.”
Next year was already exciting enough but now with this incredible collection of people in the ASB cabinet, next year will be even more amazing.