Worth The Risk? A Closer Look at the COVID Vaccine
In December of 2020, the COVID vaccine became available. For some this was salvation, and for others it was not. Some CdM parents fall into the latter. When interviewed, one CdM mom expressed concern about the new vaccine. She had read on social media that the body only has a certain amount of T-cells (a vital part of the immune system needed to fight off illnesses). She believed that when someone is vaccinated they run the risk of using up all their T- cells, leaving themselves vulnerable and unprotected.
To clear up the confusion, Trident asked local pediatrician Dr. Jeff Taylor about the COVID vaccine. He explained what is in the COVID vaccine: antigens. An antigen is a special protein on the outside of a germ that is introduced into a body. When it is introduced, the body recognizes a foreign protein and makes an antibody. Those antibodies act as a patrol, if it encounters the antigen again, it attacks it. So, if you get the COVID vaccine, your body produces antibodies that can fight COVID if you ever encounter it.
Many people were wary of how fast the vaccine was manufactured. Dr. Taylor explained, “from what we can tell the vaccine is safe; it has followed all the protocols for production. Normally, production is done sequentially. It is tested in a laboratory, then chemical reagents, mice, and then primates. The COVID vaccine also passed all of these tests for safety, but they were all done in parallel, not one after the other. Although, the COVID vaccine has not had regular after-market studies because those take about ten years. Otherwise, it seems to be a safe and efficient vaccine.”
There is one CdM Seaking who has gotten the COVID vaccine. Catherine Tumbarello, a junior, had skin cancer in the past and therefore was put at a higher priority for the shot. Tumbarello was vaccinated on March 27 and reports “the wait wasn’t long- ten minutes max. The shot was painless and quick. Students shouldn’t worry about anything other than a sore arm and a tiny cold! I suggest everyone get the shot because it is worth it.”
New inventions, solutions, and medications can seem daunting at first, but after one takes the time to talk to experts it becomes clear there isn’t anything to worry about. The vaccine is worth it.