COVID Vaccine

COVID has been a rollercoaster ride and after over a year it seems that ride is coming to end. The vaccine has had a slow rollout, making sure health care workers, senior citizens, and those with underlying health conditions get it first. As time has passed more people have been given the green light to get theirs. Teachers are among the first people allowed to get their vaccines. Teachers getting their vaccines is a huge step toward being able to get back to school full-time in-person the next school year. Even though students under sixteen years of age aren’t allowed to get the vaccine, teachers getting the vaccine is at least a step in the right direction. The COVID vaccine is very different from most other vaccines and has had some mixed reactions. Some people have reported that they were fine and others have reported various symptoms including fevers, chills, drowsiness, etc. Most of these symptoms are displayed after the second dose, but the process is different for each person.

American Sign Language (ASL) teacher Tammy Owney just got her first dose of the vaccine and will be getting her second shot in two weeks. She said that the process to get the vaccine felt the same as getting the flu vaccine. When asked how she felt after the vaccine she stated, “My arm was sore after the first shot. I felt a little tired that night, but nothing too bad.” She also stated that she did feel more protected now that she’d had the vaccine. Mrs. Owney is just one of the many teachers on campus and all over the country that have begun the process of getting their vaccines.

The vaccine being released to more people not only helps open up schools but helps open up everything. Orange county was just moved into the red tier and is looking to move into the orange tier shortly. This allows more establishments to open up and have higher capacities, which opens up even more jobs for those who were unemployed during this time. Whatever way someone looks at it, the vaccine brings the world closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.