Teacher Feature: Morgan Beckman

Riley Foster, Journalist

Morgan Beckman has been teaching at CdM for seven years. She has taught yoga and dance for the last three years and has coached the CdM Pep Squad all the years prior and to the present. Mrs. Beckman grew up in Huntington Beach and attended Marina High School. After graduating from University of Southern California, she worked in many different professions including real estate and event planning. She did not always want to become a teacher but with encouragement from her parents and her realization that her coaching dance s a hobby was what she loved to you, she decided to take teaching full on.

Mrs. Beckman describes her favorite part of teach and why she still does it as this, “I love getting to know my students and hearing about their lives.  I love to try to make them smile and hope that I can make some sort of positive impact on them each and every day. Additionally, I really enjoy being able to share something with them (dance and yoga) that I am so passionate about and that has had such a positive impact on my own life.” Striving to be the best she can be for her students everyday, Mrs. Beckman is constantly pushed and is growing personally because of the impacts on her students.

Patience. Through teaching Mrs. Beckman has learned to “not to react too quickly and developed more empathy towards what others may be experiencing.” This lesson has helped her in her person life as well. Outside of school, also with her husband and daughter, Piper, Mrs. Beckham enjoys music and frequently goes to shows and concerts. Being a fan of cooking, she also likes to explore new restaurants.