Feature Creature: Japanese Spider Crab


Tara Afshar, Journalist

The deep sea is filled with many terrifying creatures, one being the Japanese Spider Crab. Just as its name suggests, the sea dweller is well known for its interesting spider like qualities. With legs that can grow up to 12 feet claw to claw, the crab can weigh up to 44 pounds. The hard shelled creature originates in the Pacific Ocean close to Japan, where they skuttle around the deep ocean in vents and places where they can hide from fishermen. While the Japanese Spider Crab can’t blend into its environment, it does have a carapace that helps it blend in more with the ocean floor. A carapace is a crabs hard shell that protects it from the ocean’s many predators, many other animals, such as a turtle, also have a carapace. Additionally, the spider like crustacean also uses its resourcefulness to cover its carapace with different sponges and anemones that they stick on which helps further with blending in.
When the Japanese Spider Crab is hungry, it is far from picky as its diet ranges from plants to many sea animals like deadfish, shellfish, or mollusks that they can pull open. These scavengers are also generally very sluggish and slow moving, due to their long limbs, but can also survive losing three of them. Sometimes the legs of the crab grow back when in the process of molting, which is when an animal sheds their skin or shell in order for growth to occur. Sadly, the loss of the crabs limbs is mainly due to fishermen and their nets. Due to their elusiveness, this creature can only be visited in a few aquariums in the world. While you are sure not to see these deep sea dwellers anytime soon, The Japanese Spider Crab will definitely give you a fright if you ever lay eyes on one.