The First Boys Basketball BOTB of 2020


Emma Joyce, Journalist

On Friday, January 17, the Corona del Mar boys basketball team had their first Battle of the Bay game. Students hyped up the game for the week leading up to it, hoping for a big turnout of spirited students to support the sea kings. Trident tv announcers created a huge excitement among CdM students.
Lines began to form outside of the big gym at CdM. The anxious audience patiently waited for the big game, and they were accompanied by a free tacos. At 7:00 the gym was completely filled, and both students were sections packed with energetic high schoolers. CdM Kings Krew successfully created a loud and energetic atmosphere, with chants prepared and the cheerleaders encouraging the basketball team.
After the CdM team scored their first basket, the entire crowd threw a stuffed teddy bear onto the court. The action annoyed a few in the stands, as well as the referees,  but the interruption was for a good cause. Asb students quickly picked up the stuffed animals off the court. They collected them, and delivered them to hoag hospital in the following days, surprising kids in need.
At halftime, the cheerleaders gave an amazing performance, along with Sparkle. Fans were excited by the extremely close score. CdM and Harbor entered the second half of the game keeping very close scores, making for an exciting game. Onlookers for each team anticipated a win, but the time ended with a tie.
The overtime ended with Newport Harbor winning 58 to 55. Harbor celebrated their win, but the Sea Kings look forward to a second chance at playing against their rival. Asb and Kings crew, as well as CdM staff, were all very happy with the turnout of CdM students. The highschoolers expressed an enormous amount of school spirit, which ultimately resulted in an extremely exciting game, despite the very quick loss.