Magic Shoe Club


Zoe Deralas, Journalist

The Magic Shoe Club at Corona Del Mar High School is among many other wonderful organizations, but definitely keeps its originality and is unique.

This club was started about 30 years ago by Bill Sumner, also known as Coach Sumner to the Cross Country and Track runners. He started the organization to have people donate shoes of any kind, has the shoes cleaned and given to a person who could really use them and appreciate them. New and old shoes are generously welcomed as donations as well.

There are many running shoes that are donated to the club too, and these shoes go to students at schools that cannot afford the proper wear to train in for track or cross country. Many individuals wholeheartedly give dozens of old pairs, knowing that they will be used for a good cause.

Decades later, the club is still running strong and is operated by a collection of students at CdM and the coach’s wife, Mary Ellen Sumner.

The process in which the shoes undergo begins with them being collected, paired, washed, dried and then they are fit given to others.

This club is a very nice community organization that has been around for sometime, not only with great insight, but with a profound philosophy and goal to help other individuals.